Local Voices: Robin Hill

Robin grew up in Bozeman within an active family passionate about the outdoors. As a kid, you could find him navigating the slopes at Big Sky, or working at his parents’ restaurant downtown. 

After spending time away for school and earning a Master’s Degree from Stanford in Educational Leadership & Administration, he came back to Bozeman where he feels there’s an amazing intersection between business, non-profit sector and townspeople that is a common love for the outdoors.

Robin feels true happiness by being back in his home community and loves even more working with the kids he’s met at Big Sky Youth Empowerment. After serving as the non-profit’s Program Director for three years, he became Executive Director one year ago. 

He notes that outsiders usually have an idealistic view of Bozeman, mostly seeing it as the glorious gateway into Yellowstone National Park. He doesn’t see it as a perfect town, evident by the population of vulnerable, underserved kids here. But it’s these imperfections that make Bozeman special in Robin’s mind, as it has the dynamics of realness.

"...investing in young people is an incredible way to keep our community vibrant."