Last year we wanted to hear from you about Trailblazers in your community that made a difference. These trailblazers could be folks dedicated to helping others, advocates that are fighting for access to new trail systems and parks, community members introducing new groups to the wonders of the outdoors, or anything else going above and beyond the norm. We heard stories from people all across the US and Canada, from all sorts of walks of life, and selected 10 people that really exemplified what it meant to be an Oboz Trailblazer.

Over the coming months, we'll be spotlighting those 10 individuals, and the hard work they are doing in their communities.

Collage of the Oboz Trailblazers


The Oboz Ambassador Team is a group of trail lovers, adventure-seekers, citizen scientists, name it, who are hitting the trail and empowering people around them to do the same. All in a day’s work!

We invite you to the trailhead and can’t wait to share the team’s stories of exploring, protecting, restoring, and stewarding our precious outside spaces.

Person in puffer jacket, hiking pants, and Oboz hiking shoes sits on a rock in the wilderness.

Local Heroes

When it comes to the path ahead, these heroes lead the way in exchange for something that betters themselves and more importantly, their community. Whether their trail involves mountain peaks or advocacy for the things most meaningful to them, the trails are made better thanks to these hard-charging heroes.

We heard stories from people all across the US and Canada and selected six people that truly exemplify what it means to be an Oboz Local Hero. We'll be featuring all six members of the group throughout 2024, so check back regularly for their stories.