We have planted over 6 million trees and counting...because of you!
Since our very first pair sold back in 2007, we’ve had a tree planted — that’s well over 6 million trees and counting.
We work with Trees for the Future to plant these trees utilizing their Forest Garden approach.
More on Trees For The Future
A regenerative agroforestry nonprofit, Trees For The Future, trains farmers across sub-Saharan Africa in sustainable, nature-based solutions and an agroforestry technique called the Forest Garden Approach. Farming communities that are living below the poverty line, living in hunger, and farming in challenging climates and conditions are identified. Then, using the Forest Garden Approach farmers are proving that agroforestry is a solution to each of these challenges, effectively ending hunger and poverty while restoring the land and environment.
Trees For The Future was recently recognized as a UN World Restoration Flagship and contribute to nine of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

You already know we plant a tree for every pair of Oboz Footwear sold. You may not have known that these trees help reduce pollution, reforest logged land, and improve the lives of farmers and families living in the developing world. Our partner Trees for the Future has had a huge impact on changing lives forever. Learn more at https://trees.org/